Fall Dining Hours

Fresh new faves, just one reload away! Earn $15 for every you add!

Terms and Conditions: FALL 2023 – SPRING 2024

All funds and plans purchased for use from MSU Dining are for the personal use of the owner of the account or plan only and are non-transferable. The MSU Dining funds and plans cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Except as otherwise expressly stated in these terms, all MSU Dining funds and plans are non-refundable and will expire at the earlier of the last day of enrollment or employment, as applicable, or the last day of the current semester.

The Ultimate, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Greek, Campus Connector, and Flex Plans, as well as additional Flex dollars funds are non-refundable.  Unused Flex Dollar balances expire on the earlier of last date of enrollment.

Refund Policy:
All website purchases are considered to be final. Exceptions will be made for processing errors. All refunds for processing errors will be refunded to the credit card used for the purchase.

MEAL PLAN CONTRACT: All meal plans are a two semester commitment (Fall 2023 and Spring 2024). For your convenience, the meal plan you have for the fall semester will automatically be activated for the spring semester. Should you wish to make changes to your meal plan, you must visit the MSU Dining Office to fill out a Meal Plan Change Form during the first two weeks of the semester. 

All meal plans purchased for use in MSU Dining locations are to be utilized by the personal use of the owner. An MSU Dining meal plan cannot be used as a gift card or gift certificate. Only the participant may use the allotted Block Meals at the dining halls, however, the Flex Dollar portion of the meal plan may be used to treat friends and family to a meal, if desired. 

Unused Block Meals will expire at the end of each semester, however, any unused Flex Dollars from the fall semester will roll over the spring. If all Flex Dollars are not used by the end of the spring semester, the remaining balance will be forfeited. 

Your MSU Student ID card, which serves as your meal card, is required for all transactions – no exceptions. If your MSU Student ID is lost or stolen, you must immediately report it to the Campus Card Office or the University Police Department to place a hold on your account. Replacement cards require a $30 fee and the account owner must present a valid ID to reinstate account. The Campus Card Office can be reached at 662-325-3387.

FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE: Mississippi State University is committed to providing its students with a comprehensive educational experience. The University has determined that for most first year students, on-campus dining has numerous educational, social, and dietary benefits. In recognition of the value of the living-learning experience, Mississippi State University requires First Time Freshmen to have a meal plan. 

First Time Freshmen are automatically signed up for the Ultimate Meal Plan when they register with Housing. Freshmen have the option, during the first two weeks of the semester, to switch to the Gold or the Silver Meal Plan if they so choose. 

First Time Freshmen who pledge a Greek organization with an in-house kitchen, which requires a separate meal plan purchase within the organization, will have the following meal plan options:  Ultimate, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Greek Meal Plan

TRANSFER/UPPERCLASSMEN: Upperclassmen have the option of choosing any of the 7 meal plans offered. We recommend that you sign up for your meal plan at Orientation to avoid any disruption in usage of the meal plan at the start of the semester.
PAYMENT PROVISIONS: Meal Plans may be charged to the Student Account with payment due in accordance with the University’s payment deadlines.

You can also purchase a Meal Plan online with a credit/debit card, or with cash/check in the MSU Dining Office. 

The charge for the meal plan you select will be posted to your Student Account, unless paid with cash or credit, once for the fall semester and again for the spring semester. 

GRACE PERIOD: A grace period is provided each semester during which you may change your meal plan to another meal plan within your designated tier. The grace period is the first two weeks of each semester. All meal plan changes must be made in person in the MSU Dining office during the first two weeks of the semester.

Designated Tiers: 
Freshmen – Ultimate, Gold, or Silver Meal Plan 
Freshmen who pledge – Ultimate, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Greek Meal Plans
Upperclassmen – Ultimate, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Greek, Campus Connector, or Flex Plan 

CANCELLATION POLICY: If for some reason you will not be enrolled with Mississippi State University, you may request to cancel your meal plan. To request a cancellation email msudining@aramark.com. If you will be enrolled and would still like to appeal your meal plan, please submit the information on the following link:  https://w.msstate.edu/dining/contract_appeals/. All cancellations and appeals must go to the MSU Dining Committee for review and decision. Non-payment does not cancel your meal plan.



Promotions are not transferable and are not redeemable for cash, gift cards, credit, or toward previous purchases.  Other exclusions may apply.  Void where prohibited.  Additional restrictions may apply.  Aramark reserves the right to cancel or modify any promotion or offer at any time.  Refer to each Promotion’s respective materials for additional details, instructions, and requirements.